Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm a teacher...

I knew it for my entire life.  Most elementary students have no idea what they want to be when they grow up.  Or if they do, it often doesn't pan out by the time that they are older.  When I was in elementary school I knew that I wanted to be a teacher.  By the time that I was in middle school my plan to be a teacher still hadn't changed.  By the time I hit high school I was still convinced that I would be a teacher.  In my junior  year I had a US history teacher who changed my life.  Mrs. Dobson.  Sitting in her US history class, I realized that I wanted to be her.  I wanted to teach history.  That desire never changed from then on.  I got my degree and that's what I did.

Without a full time job last year substitute teaching still got me close enough to classrooms that I didn't have to opportunity to miss teaching.  I didn't have a chance to miss having my own classroom.  I was far too preoccupied to think about it.

This year I lay down in bed at night and pray to God to get me back to Indiana and a teaching job.  Since that is something that I pray for literally every single night, I often find myself drifting off to sleep while lesson planning.  I know the word DORK is flashing through your brain.  When I was teaching full time, I was throwing lesson plans together when I walked through the door in the morning.  But now it is what I dream about.  I think about what I would do if I were a high school US history teacher.  Or what would my lesson plan be if I were teaching psychology.  On and on and on until I finally fall asleep.

I miss it.  I miss it a lot.  I am terrified that I will never teach again. 



Listen you! Firstly , I love you. Second, keep those prayers up. Third, DON'T BE CRAZY!

From the outside looking in , it is easy to say, right? Well, I'm saying it with love. I have watched you change and grow and mature since you were out here in cali....I remember times that you dreaded teaching ...but you were a trooper and showed dem kids who's boss ;) Maybe this is that much needed God-given time that you need to realize just how much you love it - and how much you are capable of Megs :) You will absolutely teach again - and when you do, we are throwing a dorky history teacher themed party. You heeeeya!?!?!?!? <3


I totally agree with teacup :-) Sometimes the break is good to help you realize how much you really enjoy something. Also, just because you can't actually teach right now, doesn't mean that you have to stay away from schools. Any teacher/school would love to have you come help. You should go volunteer and have some fun with just hanging with kids and helping out. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU and you WILL teach again. -LO

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