Saturday, January 5, 2013

Real life

So I realize that my New Years post was mostly complaining about the nerd party we were at.

So this new year has already been off to an interesting start.

I got our apartment! It is nice. Brand new, bigger than our condo was, and closer to my school.

After that, I decided to change my name. Yeah, yeah, I know. Been married two and a half years and never changed my name. After our honeymoon we crossed the border immediately. So my visa was in my maiden name. Then with all the immigration going on, I didn't want to change it and deal with changing it for immigration. But now that Mark has his green card, I could change my name without too much hassle to immigration.

In other news, while Mark has his green card, he has been working from Ohio. We had been under the impression that he would have to work from Ohio for at least 6 months before the Indiana office could be opened.
But then Thursday happened. On Thursday the boys had a very big meeting with American Standard. They are a company that makes bathtubs and toilets. They got the account! Which means that because of this new business with American Standard, the Indiana office will be opened next month!
Which is exciting and brings Mark to Indiana sooner. It is going to be insane though. Mark will have some very long hours ahead of him.
But it is all good, and means the business is continuing to grow.

I have enjoyed my break from school. Although I have been totally splurging and eating basically crap the past two weeks. I have gained plenty of weight back. I will however be going back on the skinny rules hardcore on Monday.

I am not looking forward to going back to school, basketball games start this week. I am already ready for basketball season to be over.
So I guess that's it for now.
Have a good week friends