Saturday, December 31, 2011

Till We Meet Again

So sad to hear about Mary's passing today.  Just thought I would repost these pictures of some good times we had together.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Another one of those hope things

So while I was home for Christmas I happened to be talking to my cousin Angie about the apparently crumbling school systems in the area and the latest scandal taking over the Valparaiso school system.  Angie and I chatting about schools and teaching gave me a thought the next day.

Why don't I just check the department of Education website and see what jobs are currently out there.  SO I click through the website and all the sudden I see an opening for a high school social studies teacher at Hebron high school.  A small school, in a small town about 30 mins from my parents house.  WOW.
It starts in a couple weeks.  It would be perfect.  It would make immigration wonderfully fast.

So I will be sending in all of my stuff for that today.  It makes me wish and  hope that the position hasn't already been filled.  After all it has been posted for a couple of weeks.  So here goes nothing. It gets my hopes up and all I can think about is that this is all in God's hands.  I just hope that this is what God has planned for me.

We shall see.  Prayers appreciated.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The things that matter

The way I feel right now makes me put that last post into a bit of perspective.  I've just been crying in my husbands arms for the past couple of minutes.

My usual Sunday call home was a bit depressing as Ann informed me that Mary Bobis is in hospice and not expected to make it into the new year. 

I don't know what else to say.  It is hard to say goodbye.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dear Canada

(FYI I need to vent for a moment)

Dear Canada,
Thank you for being a life ruiner.  You are now responsible for the worst haircut I have had in my life. (Well maybe not the worst...look at idy pictures from 2003) But this is pretty bad.  I went to get my haircut and asked that she make my bangs a little thicker and shorter.  So she did so to my specifications, but I still wanted them shorter.  Then lo and behold what does she do but cut me regular bangs!  So the wonderful side bangs that I loved were gone to be replaced by regular bangs that look hideous!  Just in time for Mark's work christmas party tonight.  I AM SOOO IRRITATED! I don't know what I'm gonna do with them. UGH!
-Dear heart always instilled in me when I was young not to "cry your eyes out" over a bad haircut...So I'm not.  But I am soo not happy.
I blame these horrible bangs on the fact that I live in Canada and haven't been able to go to my trusty hair stylist in Valpo who I loved.  I know it is irrational to think this wouldn't happen if I didn't live in Canada...but honestly it is my first thought whenever anything goes wrong.

the end.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I don't know about you, but I have been feeling old lately.  Here are a couple of stories for your enjoyment...

Within the past year I have found not one, but several gray hairs on my head.  Is this really happening??????  Gray hair?? On my head?????? REALLY???  Already? I haven't even  hit 30 yet. Shouldn't I have like another 10 years at least?  When I was in Indiana over the summer, I had told Sarah that I had found a couple gray hairs on my head.  She snorted and said, "That's nothing, I have tons now."  I looked closer at her hair and couldn't believe my eyes.  It was literally like my sister got old right in that moment before my eyes. I could not believe the amount of gray hairs that she had on her head.  Now in reality, it really wasn't that many, but it was enough for me to think, "Wow".  The gray hair syndrome is enough to make me think how fast time is flying.  -Then I realize that I just said "boy time sure is flying by fast" and that makes me feel old too.  It's a double edged sword.  (Watch me laugh at the ridiculousness that is this post in 20 years when I only have gray hair).

I don't know if all of you are aware of one of my more embarrassing facts of life.  I know that Sophie is well aware of this as she has seen me "take care of it".  But I won't lie, I have facial hair.  Yes it is sad to say I have an excessive amount of chin hair.  It was brought to my attention when I was in college and in the car with Ann and my mom.  They noticed that I had a lot of chin hair.  While blond, they told me I needed to "take care of it".  They were both laughing about it.  Ann commented that she only got hair like that on her chin when she was pregnant and her hormones were crazy.  Mom said she only got hair like that cuz her hormones were crazy from menopause.  Thanks guys.  Good to know you can laugh at me and make me feel old all at once.  So ever since then, I have taken care of the old chin hairs.  Oh you know I used the standard Nair face cream for awhile but have recently switched to wax strips which I find work better. (LOL).  But whenever I am taking care of the chin problem, it makes me feel old.  Have you ever not seen an old lady that had crazy long chin hairs??  No? Next time you see a really old lady, pay special attention to her facial hair, and you will think of me.

I however do know how old I am.  I am 26 years old, soon to be 27.  My husband on the other hand, has no idea how old he is.

Last week when we were driving to Indiana we were having what I like to call "future talk".  You know those conversations where you talk about your future plans and what not.  This particular night in the car we were talking about our future kids.  Picking names for those future kids, what kind of parents we will be, ect.  Finally Mark said, "Yeah I think if we had a kid by the time I was 30 that would be good."  (If I had water in my mouth it would have been spewed all over the car).  I looked at him laughing and said, "You know that's next year right?"  He replied "Wait how old am I?"  "You're going to be 29 in 4 weeks so yeah next year you will be 30."  "Oh well 31 then."  It made me laugh.

All of the baby talk makes me feel old too.  There have been (I feel) sooo many people popping out the kids this year that it makes me feel old.  Between my 2 sisters, my cousin, several people at meeting and several other acquaintances, it seems like baby fever is everywhere.  Are we really at that age where we are ready to have kids? (Hi Kres :-)  It seems so, and that also makes me feel old.  The fact that my 22 year old sister in law is probably gonna  be pregnant before too long makes me feel old.  Well, if I were to be honest with myself that doesn't make me feel old...that makes me feel jealous.  Because the truth is if we had a house I would want to have a kid right now.  But I am aware enough to know that it isn't our time just yet, and we have a lot of things to get organized first.

But for real...just thinking about all of that stuff (gray hair, mortgages, babies) it makes me feel old.  Am I the only one who feels old like this?

So to all know that I am a low maintenance babe.  So I really need those gray hairs to stay away for a long while cuz you know I'm never gonna have the patience for coloring my hair.  Aw well, the age will come and I shall try to embrace whatever comes with it.