Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Epic Fail

I don't know why one little coffee cake could make me so incredibly irritated.  But it did.  It is a delicious piece of food kinda like a danish but in a pan.  It has a cake/danish kind of bottom, topped with apple pie filling, topped with more batter.  So yummy, but like I said in the title, epic fail.

This wasn't the first time that I have messed up a recipe. It was all good until I burned the top of it to a crisp.  So at first I thought it was salvageable. I picked off the burnt pieces.  Only to find that ironically the burnt pieces weren't cooked through, so there was still uncooked batter on top of the apples.  I decided to end it there, let it cool down and throw it out.

Then Mark says so can I have some of this cake? As I explain that it is no good I would have to cook it more to prevent eating raw batter, he says why can't you just put it in the oven again?  He said it seemed silly to waste this whole thing that I made.  That only irritated me more.  If I put in back in the oven then the bottom part of it would certainly be burnt through.  What was the point?  I think Mark finally got the hint that the cake convo was more than irritating me.  So here I am on the computer trying to figure out why a stupid burnt cake had made me so upset.

Probably because that stupid burnt cake was my only accomplishment for the day.  So when I account for everything that happened today the one thing that I actually did was a fail.  Stupid, I know. But irritating none the less.

And if I am being honest with myself, whenever something stupid like this happens it gets placed in the 'Reasons I hate Canada file'.  Not fair, I know.  I could really go for some ice cream or something right now.  But it's snowing out, so I think I will just have to settle for a beer and pretzels.

EDIT:then mark does something funny and I am in a completely different mood.



hahahaha! oh the married life! i'm glad i can read abaout your life through this blog! thanks love!

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