Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hanover and general life updates

So I am back home after a long week at Hanover...and by back home I mean home sweet Indiana.  Sad to be away from Mark for 2 weeks though.
Hanover was good. It was nice to spend a week with both mine and Marks family.  To be honest I didn't end up getting a lot out of the classes because I missed the end of the first class everyday because I was teaching during the 2nd class.  But I still had a nice time.
The highlight was definately meeting Colin James Riegle for the first time!!! He is soo sweet!! I admit that I started crying when I held him for the first time.

Hanover was very different this year due to the fact that it was really the first year where I did none of the teen activities.  But it felt right to be out of that phase.

Should be doing a bunch of stuff with dear heart this week. But for now I just want sleep and to eat real food because the Hanover food tore up my stomach.  I feel old.

Sorry this post is kinda scattered but I am super tired and have a cold.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Being a Little bit Fat

So I just read Tina Fey's book Bossypants.  It is hilarious.  I just thought I would share some of this little tid bit she wrote about what she remembered about being a little bit fat.  (It made me laugh and not feel so bad about being a little bit chunky myself)

"For a brief time at the end of that last century I was overweight.  This is what I remember about that period:
*My boobs were bigger
*I once left a restaurant in the middle of dessert to get to Krispy Kreme before it closed.
*Even though I only liked McDonalds fries, I believed it was more nutritious to make a meal of it and have two cheeseburgers as well.
*I could not run a mile
*I wore oversized mens overalls that I loved.
*On at least three occasions, I vomited on Christmas Eve from mixing chocolate, peel and eat shrimp, summer sausage, and cheese. No alcohol was involved.
*As a size 12 I took pride in the idea that I was "real woman" sized. Size 12 was the national average I would boast.
*Once while ironing in my underwear, I grazed my protruding belly with the hot iron.
We should leave people alone about their weight.  Being chubby for a while (provided you don't give yourself diabetes) is a natural phase of life and nothing to be ashamed of.  Like puberty or slowly turning republican."

Anyhow, that made me laugh and just thought I would share. I shall be gone the next week.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I grew up there

I thought today that it would be appropriate for me to reminisce about Hanover since we will be heading there on Saturday.  It is the 50th year at Hanover.  You could almost say that my life wouldn't be if Hanover had never been.

My parents met at Hanover in the 70's. 
When I was a little kid my whole extended family would stay in the same dorm.  It wasn't very nice with hard iron bed frames and no air conditioning (and in Southern need air conditioning).  As a kid we would spend our nights living up a luxury kind of life.  We would spend an hour swimming in the pool until our parents made us leave.  We would go back to the dorm and put our night gowns on.  Then we would go down to the basement of the dorm for a pop and Cheetos (a luxury for my sisters and I because that was the type of snack dear heart would never ever buy for us at home) and sit around listening to the adults chatting and laughing at their stories weather we understood them or not.

At Hanover I made my first friend.  When I was in preschool I did not deal well with being separated from my mother.  So when she left me in my class and walked away I started crying.  But luckily for me I wasn't the only one anxiously awaiting my mothers return.  Mary was there.  She came up to me and told me very kindly that my mom would be back, and showed me what the clock would look like when it was time for her to come.  From that time on Mary and I were always getting up to something together at Hanover.

Because of my first friendship with Mary, as we grew she helped me to come out of my shell and it was because of her that I became friends with all of the other girls our age.

At Hanover I got up to as many tricks as I could think of.  As a teenager I remember having water fights in the dorm, bringing silly string to attack one of our friends in the hallway, having races in our underwear up and down the hallway, staying up all night talking about boys....the list goes on.

Hanover was the place where Sarah and Kerri gave me the nickname that would never die.  There was a girl one year who kept calling Kerri Kerbear.  Sarah, Kerri and I found this hilariously stupid. So we started calling Sarah sarahbear as our own secret way of mocking.  For some reason, Megbear just didn't seem to sit right with Sarah and Kerri so they started calling me MegMeg.  From that point on, it stuck.  Ann got in on it, and I had two sisters that would forever call me MegMeg until little Caroline came along.  When learning to talk Ann was teaching Caroline how to call me MegMeg (not Aunt Megan).  Caroline however couldn't get the G sound and MeyMey was born.

Hanover was the place where I fell in love, and got my heart broken.
In 1999 Andrew finally made his move.  I was waiting for ages for him to ask me out.  Then finally one day we took a walk down to "the point" and he asked me.  I was so happy.  But it was not to be and after a couple of months it ended.

I still carried a torch for him thinking that eventually he would want me back.  But instead he told me that he liked my friend Katy.  I told him that she would never go for him.  We went for a walk and ended up yelling at each other at "the point" after which he walked off and left me there crying. broken heart and all.

So time goes on and many years later I had come into my own and felt like I was myself at Hanover, and felt quite confident in my own skin while I was there.

The finally Mark came along.  At the beginning of the week he seemed more interested in talking to my friend then he did me but I was indifferent.  Finally towards the end of the week I had asked him if he had seen the back of the campus.  He said no and I offered to take him around and show him (Turns out he actually had seen it already, and lied so that we would have en excuse to go off on a walk together).  So we walked and talked and got to know each other.  I was thinking that being from Manitoulin he would be an uptight stiff.  But he proved me wrong during that conversation and we slowly made our way to the point.

The point...where I was asked out by my first and last boyfriends.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A New Perspective

I've got a  lot to say today, so just bear with me...
Last night at about 1am my night owl husband and I were still awake.  For no reason, I started to look through my bottom dresser drawer.  Don't really know why, because my bottom dresser drawer is filled with old t-shirts that don't fit me.  I thought that I could dig through it and look for my bears t-shirt.  I took said shirt and took it into the bathroom, put it on and looked in the mirror.  Hmmmmmmmm.  Not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but definitely not great.  Looking at myself in that too small t-shirt I suddenly became very motivated to fit into that shirt again.

In 2006 that t-shirt fit me just great.  And I remember thinking that year at the Football Challenge that I looked great.  That I was so happy then.  Suddenly having flashbacks from that year I flipped onto shutterfly where I recently discovered all of my old pictures.  Opening the album from Hanover 2006 and found a couple more pictures that made me get that motivated feeling of I want to be able to wear that again.

In this picture I was so happy that day to learn that for the first time since I was a Sophomore in high school I could fit into my sister Sarah's clothes. Her shirt and her skirt.

In this picture I remember Alicia was telling me how good I looked.  Wearing shorts that were a size 6 I felt great and was having an incredibly happy week.  An incredibly happy year actually.  So last night as I was flipping through these pictures, and longingly looking at too small clothes the thought that I was being seriously vain came into my head.  I thought about how I had spent the whole day working on my class for Hanover and doing something good to this cloud of vanity hanging over my head.
It was then that I remembered suddenly that when I lived in LA there was a book that I had been reading a lot for some good easy to read spiritual lessons.  "Solemn Moments of Remembrance" by Dennis Gillett.  I remembered getting a lot out of that book and last night dug it out of a closet with a bunch of books we have no room for.  I flipped through it looking at the notes and highlights that I had made in it.  Remembering some of the lessons I had taken from it and had this feeling of lightness just come over me.  The things that had mattered didn't matter any more and the things I was carrying I put down.  Simply put, I remembered to remember God.  That that should be the focus of my life.

So after going to the gym today I came home and read through a new lesson in my book.  I will just briefly share it with you, as it has helped to make my day wonderful.  It is about the Lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life verse in 1John 2:16.  In general the lesson is about worldliness.  That we should live in the world and use the things in the world, but to see God behind it all.  The lesson was about finding balance between the world and our spiritual lives.  Knowing that in keeping that balance, the scale should be tipped more toward God because if the scale is equal we are serving 2 masters.

Anyway, it has given me something to think about for today.  I guess that is about all for now my friends.  But I will share another verse that Amber recently brought to my attention that has also been making me feel good lately.  From the NIV Jeremiah 29:11.  "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Monday, July 11, 2011

It's the heat

I have been ridiculously unmotivated to get to the gym the past week.  So let's take a look at how it all went down...

Last Sunday I had gone to the gym and had a good workout.  By Monday I was plenty sore.  But Monday Mark and I went golfing, and after 4 hours of walking and swinging clubs around, I was exhausted and even more sore having used muscles to golf that I didn't know existed.  On Tuesday, I went to the gym and did weights focusing on my arms and back muscles which were still painfully sore from golf.  On Wednesday I was still so sore that I thought I would forget the gym.  Mark and I ended up going to the driving range that evening to get me some more golf practice.  After hitting exactly 108 golf balls I felt like my body was done.  My arms and back were crazy sore not to mention the horrific blister on my thumb.  Still being really sore on Thursday I opted out of the gym.  Friday I had no excuse of not going other than I just didn't want to.  Saturday and Sunday were the same.  Today, I am still in my pajamas and writing this entry, while continuing to debate on if I am going to the gym or not.

So we get to what I shall call the REAL REASON for my lack of not wanting to go.  Hanover, and clothes.  When I got the gym membership I thought it would be awesome if I lost enough weight before hanover that I could fit into my clothes again.  I think this was the week that made me realize that is not going to happen.  You should see my closet...the top shelf is filled with clothes that don't fit me.  Everything that is hanging up are the things that fit. 7shirts. 2 skirts. 1 dress. 2 pairs of jeans. 1 pair of shorts. -That's it, thats all I've got.  While clothes that I was wearing just one year ago remain on the top shelf, too small. SUCKS! (that list btw doesn't include the tshirts that I workout in)
So I worked myself into a woe is my kinda funk this week about the clothes knowing that I am gonna have to spend money that should be put towards something important to get enough clothes to last me through Hanover. 

I wish that after several weeks of working out hard nothing has changed.  I of all ppl should know that it takes a long time to lose weight, I don't know why I am being so impatient this time around.  I think the thing that is bugging me the most is the fact that I know I lose the most weight when I am running consistently.  I can't run because there is something wrong with my foot.  Don't know what it is.  I just know that when I run, or even walk for a bit, it feels like my whole foot is on fire.  No health care in stupid Canada so I can't get it checked out.  So I just can't run.  It is very frustrating to my life.

Anyway, that is my big vent for the moment.  I know I need to get my lazy butt to the gym today.  It just sucks to have to by all new clothes when you have lots of clothes that should fit. Especially since clothes in Canada are ridiculously expensive and there isn't any Target.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Update on all things life

So did you guys see my pictures??
That was one awesome night. 
Did you know that July 1st is Canada Day?  Yes, it is the Canadian independence day. So Mark was off work early and we went to a BBQ at his sisters Friday night.  I learned how to play poker.

Saturday Mark and I had a pretty good date thanks to an anniversary present from his parents we went and saw Transformers, went out to dinner then went back and saw Bad Teacher.  It was a good night.

Sunday we had his brother, sister in law and their kids over for dinner. Yesterday Mark was wanting to go golfing with his brother, but Rob couldn't go.  So I told Mark that I would go with him.  So we went and he taught me how to play, and according to him I was pretty good.  So we had a good time.  And then we went and purchased a set of golf clubs for me.  So that was cool and it gives us something fun that we can do together.  But I did learn that golf is exhausting.