Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year, New Chapter

So happy new year everybody!

I figured now was as good a time as any to write a new post. The simple fact being that I am at a nerd New Years party.

Like if you have ever seen the tv show The Big Bang Theory....that is the level of nerdom that surrounds me. In one room my husband and his brother are playing NHL on Xbox.

In another room there is a massive fantasy type board game spread over the dining room table surrounded by a band of nerds talking about things like 'Lancelot cards', 'traitors' , and 'fight cards'.
While four of said people playing this game are normal looking, there are a few that fly the nerd flag with their appearance. For example one young man wearing a black t-shirt that has some deathly looking creature on it with a skull and wings or something ridiculous.

This is the nerd party I am at. There are booze, which can make any nerd party better. However myself, my husband, and my brother-in-law are the only ones drinking. My sister-in-law would be drinking if she weren't 8 months pregnant right now. I am one beer, and half a bottle of wine in.

So I am at least starting to 'feel good' this is by no means my idea of a 'fun' New Years and can't help but think that I wish I was with my friends in California. At this point I would almost rather just go to bed right now (9pm) then stay up with the nerd fest.

So now that we have established my physical surroundings this New Year's Eve, lets discuss my mental state.

Right now I am very excited to see what 2013 will bring. While difficult, I am thankful that 2012 provided Mark with his green card! 2013 should continue to carry us through with 'our plan'.
The plan right now is to continue on with how things are going. Mark working in Ohio until the business is ready to expand to indiana.

Found out today that we officially got the apartment we applied for!! It is a brand new apartment complex that nobody else has ever lived in. It is 10 mins from my school. Signing papers and getting keys on Wednesday.

The rest of the plan for 2013 is to keep on keeping on, hopefully get ready to buy a house, and start a family.
So I am looking forward to what 2013 has to offer.

I am hoping maybe for a trip to Cali in the summer too. I miss my girls like craaaazzzyyy!!
All for now my friends! Happy New Year, I love you.