Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Girls night out....

I had a girls night out last night. 
An odd statement seeing as I wasn't in LA with my girls, or even in Indiana where I still have a few girls (mostly family) to go out with.  I had a girls night out in Canada.  It was weird.

It all started with my sister-in-law Jenn saying how fun it would be to have a girls night out for my upcoming birthday.  The plan was to go to this nice restaurant for drinks and appetizers.  Sounds great right?

So the girls consisted of my two sisters-in-law, and 2 other girls from meeting.  They are all older than me, and they have all known each other for ever pretty much.  So we got drinks, we got appetizers and they talked.  I guess it was naive of me to think that since we went out for my birthday they would try to get to know me a little more.  But I was wrong.  They spent the whole night chatting away about a bunch of people that I don't know, while I sat there feeling very out of the loop and out of place.  Don't get me wrong, they are all very nice...but they aren't my girls.  The whole night just left me feeling depressed and missing my real friends.

I absolutely love my sister-in-law Jenn, and love that she wanted to do something special for my birthday.  I love her kids to death, and love spending time with her and talking to her.  But her girls aren't my girls. 

So that's the story.  Looking forward to when I can have a girls night with MY girls.

In other news, I don't think I have mentioned, but BOTH of my sisters are pregnant!!!!!!!!  They are a month and a half apart!! It will be a busy summer for my family!  Ann is due the end of June and Sarah is due mid August!  I am sooo sooo happy and excited about it!  I absolutely can't wait to be and Aunt again!



Bleh!! Megs I am so sorry to hear that, I can't wait until we see each other again! until then chin up love!

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