Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mamma Mia!

Well here we go again.  So I did a little bit of checking yesterday and discovered another social studies opening in Indiana.  This one is way out in the middle of nowhere.  At least an hour from my parents.  It is between my hometown and West Lafayette(the location of Purdue University).  Super small school system.  So I started filling out the application last night only to become so incredibly frustrated that I had to give up on it.  It was irritating me so much that I eneded up taking a bath to relax.  I was seriously frustrated so it required a serious bath with candles, bubbles, music and some wine.  Thankfully that helped me calm down and I was able to finish the application this morning.

Besides the people that read this blog, Mark, and my Mom, I haven't told anybody that I have been applying for jobs.  It is just one of those things that I am investing soo much emotion into that I only feel comfortable letting the people closest to me know.

I have been getting along with dear heart really well lately which is nice.  I don't know what it is, but I have just really enjoyed talking to her lately.  She used to always drive me a little crazy.  But lately it has been nice.  Now that she is retired I tend to call her more. She is always good to tell me all of the latest stories about Caroline and the crazy things that girl does.  It makes me happy.

Something else that makes me happy is watching Mamma Mia. (If you haven't seen it you need to do so immediately!!)  This is the second time that I have watched it in a week.  Without fail it puts me in such a good mood!

Last topic for today is just a simple observation.  Has anybody else noticed that like a ton of christos are preggers right now???  I know at least 8 people that are expecting right now!  Just thought I would throw that out there.  But don't worry, I'm several years away from drinking that water....Gotta get out of Canada first.  I can't have my kids thinking that milk in a bag is normal.  :-)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things....

I just thought it might be fun to give you a list of some of my favorite and slightly unknown favorite things and random facts.  Just for the sake of randomness...
*My favorite childhood movie was Rookie of the Year. About a kid who gets to play for the Chicago Cubs.
*My favorite book is The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya sisterhood...I have read it too many times to count.
*My favorite ice cream is a reeces peanut butter cup blizzard from dairy queen.
*I once asked a guy out using lyrics from a backstreet boys song. (I was 14 let's chalk it up to teenage stupidity and move on....btw-i was rejected. lol!)
*My favorite alcoholic drink is anything that has alcohol in it. (If we are drinking tequila, I can drink Mark under the table)
*I have never felt more at peace and have never felt closer to God as when I was at Yosemite National Park.
*My favorite movie is the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Part 1 and 2) -Nothing makes me happier then stories about friendship
*Nothing feels more like home than sitting on the shore of Lake Michigan looking at the Chicago skyline in the distance.
*Nothing calms me down like blaring music and speeding on a country road at sunset with the cornfields flying by.
*The best answered prayer I ever got was when Caroline Grace was born, and she brings a smile to my face whenever I think of her.
*My nicknames....when I was little my dad always called me binky.  A lot of my cousins call me Meg, which I love. My sister Sarah and cousin Kerri started calling me MegMeg at Hanover as a joke to make me mad...but it stuck.  Soon all of the Hanover crowd was calling me MegMeg. MegMeg turned into MeyMey when Caroline was learning to talk and couldn't get the G sound.  She's 5 and I love that she still calls me MeyMey. -I will never be Aunt Megan...I will always just be MeyMey and hope that my soon to come nephew and still don't know the sex will call me MeyMey too.  Random fact in Chinese Meymey means little sister...Sarah found that out and thought it only made the name more appropriate.
*My favorite moment was when I said  "I do"
*My first boyfriend asked me out at Hanover at "the point".  A place that overlooks the Ohio River. My last boyfriend (now my husband) asked me out at the same place.
*My favorite place in Chicago is the Art Institute.
*My favorite place in California is apart from the obvious Yosemite is Huntington Beach.
*My best birthday was my 23rd.
*My favorite day of randomness was 4th of July 2009
*My favorite songs that put me in a good mood are The Joker by the Steve Miller Band and Stay With Me by Rod Stewart
*Things that I hated as a kid that I like now: Ketchup, Hamburgers, most veggies.
*Favorite road trip was with Sophie to see No Doubt in San Diego
*My eyes are blue/green. They look blue when I wear blue and look green when I wear green.
*When I hear any songs from the Disney Jungle Book I think of my mom...she always sang them when I was little and danced around to them.
*My favorite Idyllwild moment was listening to my friends sing Sanctuary.
-I guess that is all for now. I keep thinking of more and more to add, but nobody will read it if it's too long. I will have to do another one of these posts sometime since there seems to be a lot that I can put in.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The island and a change of heart

There's nothing quite like a major disaster to get you thinking about what is happening in your own life.  I know that I have been battling myself in my spiritual life lately.  When I woke up on Friday and saw what happened in Japan I kept thinking that Christ is coming soon.  If that point wasn't firmly in my mind, it was hammered home on Saturday.

We went up to the island for the "hockey challenge". A study weekend with hockey in between. (No, I did not play hockey). Jim Cowie gave some amazing AMAZING classes on Lot.  They were such good classes and really made the point of Christs soon return.  I got so much out of the classes just as a way of pure many little things about Lot's life that I didn't know.  But the best thing that I got out of the whole weekend was a major opportunity to think about my spiritual life, and where I am at.  I know that I have been struggling spiritually to find a balance.  My biggest struggle has been trusting God's plan for my life vs. my plan for my life.

The classes were so uplifting and forced me to look within myself and examine my faith and realize what needs to change.  There were sooo many things that I took away from the weekend. (If you get a chance to hear Jim Cowie's classes on lot, take advantage, or if you can find them online definitely do it!)  I thought that I would just leave you with a few simple one liners that I took out of his classes that I found helpful and applicable in my own life:
*Persistent prayer though seemingly unanswered is not a vain thing. God will answer our prayers based on what is best for us spiritually.
*When Sarah was told she would have a son she laughed in God's face at the idea.  She laughed at God and he still helped her to turn her faith around. If he can do that for her, he will do it for us.
*Prayer is to our spiritual life what air is to our natural life.  If it is withdrawn, we will perish.

So all for now my friends and looking forward to Christ's return.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Renee Dunlap...

Who knew that the name Renee Dunlap sitting in my email inbox could make my heart beat like crazy.
Renee Dunlap is the HR person for Whiting Schools where I just submitted an application.  So now you can understand why seeing her name in my email would get my heart pumping.

But alas, it was a formality email.  A two sentence email to let me know that they received my application and will contact people who meet the job requirements.  In other words, it was nothing. But it was at least nice to know that they got my application and weren't afraid of using my email address.

I am terrified.  I feel like my entire life is riding on this job.  Everything that happens for the rest of my life depends on this.  If it happens Mark has the potential for opening his own trucking company in Indiana, something he could never do up here.  If it doesn't happen Mark and I will have more financial struggles because the cost of living up here is crazy high.  If it doesn't happen it will be another year and a half before I could work here.  Which in turn gives us a longer time frame before we could start our own family.  Every plan that we have for the rest of our lives depends on this job.

Mark exudes confidence.  He believes without a shadow of a doubt that I will get the job.  While it is wonderful to have such a supportive husband, I wish I had that same confidence in myself.  I am terrified, and desperate.

I could use some major prayers about this.  This is the breaking point.  I desperately need this to happen. 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm on my way...

I'm on my way to pulling my hair out.  It has been one of those weeks where I have been bored out of my mind.  I have even been out of the house a few times, and occupied myself with baking but I still feel the stir crazies coming on.  I keep thinking about good old Los Angeles and how much I miss it and would love some of its warmth right now.  March is the worst month.  You start thinking that spring is going to come soon, that it isn't too far away.  Then out of nowhere the relative warmth of 30 degrees leaves you to be replaced by a bonechilling 9. 

Mark is taking me out for Mexican tomorrow.  He knows how much I love it, and how much I miss it.  For as populated as the Toronto area is, there is no mexican.  Seriously none.  No...seriously, nothing.  Even little Valparaiso, Indiana had a quality authentic Mexican place.  Toronto, nothing.  Anyhow, apparently there is a Mexican place that just opened closet to Mark's work.  When I say Mexican, it is similar to Chipotle, or Baja Fresh.  That's as good as it is gonna get up here.  FYI-when I am in LA I expect one Sophie Johnson to take me for some mochasalsa.

So my plan for the rest of the night is pretty dull.  I am going to go to the library.  Then I am going to go to the store and get some wine cuz it has been awhile since I have had any and am craving it.

I got an awesome card in the mail today.  It made me very happy because it was just a card sent for randomness.  Just so say hi how are you doing.  It made me happy to be remembered because honestly I feel forgotten living up here.

Finally...there is a British singer who I am falling in love with.  You should take a look.  This song is making me happy right now.  Check it out, you will enjoy, I promise.