Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ecclesial retreat and the kid next door...

So the other week our ecclesia had a retreat.  So for your reference it would be like Attica, or fall conference but with the whole ecclesia not just the teens.  So it was a weekend event.  Get it? Ok, moving on...
So unfortunately Mark and I got placed in a room that apparently wasn't heated so I got a cold.  But that really isn't part of the story.  Our room also happened to be placed under the main hall where everything took place.  Our room was also placed next to a mom and her 9 yr old son.  It didn't take long to discover that the walls were paper thin and you could hear people in the next room who were talking in a regular voice.

So on night one I went to bed at about 11.  There were still a lot of people awake upstairs so noise was still traveling through, as well as being able to hear people walking around.  So the kid next door to me was quite upset by this noise.  I am quite old enough to know that there was nothing I could do about it and the noise would die down eventually.  The kid next door was not old enough to realize these things.

So he pretty much through a tantrum that his poor mother had to deal with.  He was waaayy bent out of shape by the noise and was begging his mom to go upstairs and tell them all to be quiet....something she wasn't going to do since there were about 20 ppl up there making the noise.  So she went upstairs either to appease him, or to go socialize herself.  So left alone in the room next door, his frustration finally came out.
"Shut up you losers!"  "I'm trying to sleep here!" He yelled.  He then proceeded to kick the wall while he yelled these things. 
It made me laugh.  Just one of those things where I felt bad for the kid, because I was trying to sleep through the noise too.  But his reaction was just sooo over the top that it made me laugh. 

That's the story for now.......Sarah and Jeremy are having a boy!!


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