Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lies! All lies!

I'd like to take a moment to write an ode to everyone's favorite groundhog Phil.
-for my California readers who live in nice weather year round, you might not know about Phil. On Feb 2 he comes out of his little hole and if he sees his shadow and runs back into his hole it means 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see his shadow, it will be an early spring.

So with that knowledge in hand I give you my little ode to Phil.

Phil, Phil, you darling little squirrel
(Oops I mean groundhog)
When you scurried out of your hole
On that hallowed Feb day
You looked and you looked
You scoured around but just couldn't see
That friend of a shadow that you typically see
Hurray hurray for an early spring!
The people cheered at the thought that spring was near
But those weeks began to pass
And winter stayed winter and cold stayed cold
Lies!!! Lies I tell you Phil is all lies!!!
You blasted little rascal you lied to the world!!
Spring is not here and it doesn't seem near!
You lied Phil, you lied. Excited for spring and its not yet here. Way to Dash my dreams you stinking squirrel!
-the end!

I am itching for spring! It's staying lighter later, and it makes me wanna be able to run outside and enjoy this light that I feel like I haven't seen in 4 months. My body is itching for spring. I can feel it in my bones, this longing to get outside and go for a run, and enjoy the warmth. I want to leave that gloom that winter casts over everything! Even the birds think it should be spring!
In the winter, the birds stop chirping. You just don't hear them at all in the winter. Yes they can be seen flying around from time to time, but you don't hear a peep.
The past week or so walking out to the car in the morning I have heard a few little chirps. Even though its 30 degrees those couple of chirps tell me they want spring to come too.
I'm itching for spring. I'm longing, hoping, yearning desperately ready for its return.

Spring is my favorite season because it feels like such a new warm beginning.



OMG hilarious!! I'm ashamed of Phil. How dare he ruin your dreams!!!

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