Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm on my way...

I'm on my way to pulling my hair out.  It has been one of those weeks where I have been bored out of my mind.  I have even been out of the house a few times, and occupied myself with baking but I still feel the stir crazies coming on.  I keep thinking about good old Los Angeles and how much I miss it and would love some of its warmth right now.  March is the worst month.  You start thinking that spring is going to come soon, that it isn't too far away.  Then out of nowhere the relative warmth of 30 degrees leaves you to be replaced by a bonechilling 9. 

Mark is taking me out for Mexican tomorrow.  He knows how much I love it, and how much I miss it.  For as populated as the Toronto area is, there is no mexican.  Seriously none.  No...seriously, nothing.  Even little Valparaiso, Indiana had a quality authentic Mexican place.  Toronto, nothing.  Anyhow, apparently there is a Mexican place that just opened closet to Mark's work.  When I say Mexican, it is similar to Chipotle, or Baja Fresh.  That's as good as it is gonna get up here.  FYI-when I am in LA I expect one Sophie Johnson to take me for some mochasalsa.

So my plan for the rest of the night is pretty dull.  I am going to go to the library.  Then I am going to go to the store and get some wine cuz it has been awhile since I have had any and am craving it.

I got an awesome card in the mail today.  It made me very happy because it was just a card sent for randomness.  Just so say hi how are you doing.  It made me happy to be remembered because honestly I feel forgotten living up here.

Finally...there is a British singer who I am falling in love with.  You should take a look.  This song is making me happy right now.  Check it out, you will enjoy, I promise.



You are NOT forgotten!!!! I love you SO SO SO SO SO SO Much and think of you all the time!!! Too bad the Mexican food won't save so I could send you some. We will have to chow down when you come out in May. LOVE YOU!!!!!-KLO

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