Thursday, March 17, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things....

I just thought it might be fun to give you a list of some of my favorite and slightly unknown favorite things and random facts.  Just for the sake of randomness...
*My favorite childhood movie was Rookie of the Year. About a kid who gets to play for the Chicago Cubs.
*My favorite book is The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya sisterhood...I have read it too many times to count.
*My favorite ice cream is a reeces peanut butter cup blizzard from dairy queen.
*I once asked a guy out using lyrics from a backstreet boys song. (I was 14 let's chalk it up to teenage stupidity and move on....btw-i was rejected. lol!)
*My favorite alcoholic drink is anything that has alcohol in it. (If we are drinking tequila, I can drink Mark under the table)
*I have never felt more at peace and have never felt closer to God as when I was at Yosemite National Park.
*My favorite movie is the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Part 1 and 2) -Nothing makes me happier then stories about friendship
*Nothing feels more like home than sitting on the shore of Lake Michigan looking at the Chicago skyline in the distance.
*Nothing calms me down like blaring music and speeding on a country road at sunset with the cornfields flying by.
*The best answered prayer I ever got was when Caroline Grace was born, and she brings a smile to my face whenever I think of her.
*My nicknames....when I was little my dad always called me binky.  A lot of my cousins call me Meg, which I love. My sister Sarah and cousin Kerri started calling me MegMeg at Hanover as a joke to make me mad...but it stuck.  Soon all of the Hanover crowd was calling me MegMeg. MegMeg turned into MeyMey when Caroline was learning to talk and couldn't get the G sound.  She's 5 and I love that she still calls me MeyMey. -I will never be Aunt Megan...I will always just be MeyMey and hope that my soon to come nephew and still don't know the sex will call me MeyMey too.  Random fact in Chinese Meymey means little sister...Sarah found that out and thought it only made the name more appropriate.
*My favorite moment was when I said  "I do"
*My first boyfriend asked me out at Hanover at "the point".  A place that overlooks the Ohio River. My last boyfriend (now my husband) asked me out at the same place.
*My favorite place in Chicago is the Art Institute.
*My favorite place in California is apart from the obvious Yosemite is Huntington Beach.
*My best birthday was my 23rd.
*My favorite day of randomness was 4th of July 2009
*My favorite songs that put me in a good mood are The Joker by the Steve Miller Band and Stay With Me by Rod Stewart
*Things that I hated as a kid that I like now: Ketchup, Hamburgers, most veggies.
*Favorite road trip was with Sophie to see No Doubt in San Diego
*My eyes are blue/green. They look blue when I wear blue and look green when I wear green.
*When I hear any songs from the Disney Jungle Book I think of my mom...she always sang them when I was little and danced around to them.
*My favorite Idyllwild moment was listening to my friends sing Sanctuary.
-I guess that is all for now. I keep thinking of more and more to add, but nobody will read it if it's too long. I will have to do another one of these posts sometime since there seems to be a lot that I can put in.


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