Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mamma Mia!

Well here we go again.  So I did a little bit of checking yesterday and discovered another social studies opening in Indiana.  This one is way out in the middle of nowhere.  At least an hour from my parents.  It is between my hometown and West Lafayette(the location of Purdue University).  Super small school system.  So I started filling out the application last night only to become so incredibly frustrated that I had to give up on it.  It was irritating me so much that I eneded up taking a bath to relax.  I was seriously frustrated so it required a serious bath with candles, bubbles, music and some wine.  Thankfully that helped me calm down and I was able to finish the application this morning.

Besides the people that read this blog, Mark, and my Mom, I haven't told anybody that I have been applying for jobs.  It is just one of those things that I am investing soo much emotion into that I only feel comfortable letting the people closest to me know.

I have been getting along with dear heart really well lately which is nice.  I don't know what it is, but I have just really enjoyed talking to her lately.  She used to always drive me a little crazy.  But lately it has been nice.  Now that she is retired I tend to call her more. She is always good to tell me all of the latest stories about Caroline and the crazy things that girl does.  It makes me happy.

Something else that makes me happy is watching Mamma Mia. (If you haven't seen it you need to do so immediately!!)  This is the second time that I have watched it in a week.  Without fail it puts me in such a good mood!

Last topic for today is just a simple observation.  Has anybody else noticed that like a ton of christos are preggers right now???  I know at least 8 people that are expecting right now!  Just thought I would throw that out there.  But don't worry, I'm several years away from drinking that water....Gotta get out of Canada first.  I can't have my kids thinking that milk in a bag is normal.  :-)



hahah! that is great megs! i will continue pryaing for jobs stuff for you! i love you!

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