Sunday, April 10, 2011

Let my love open the door

The phrase for tomorrow is WILL POWER.

Tomorrow I am going to run 3 miles.  I don't remember the last time I ran 3 miles.  Probably not since 2009.  Yikes.  WILLPOWER!

Tomorrow I am gonna avoid those chocolate cookies. WILL POWER!

Tomorrow I am going to get lots of cleaning done because let's face it, it's been awhile.  WILLPOWER!

Tomorrow I am going to do something nice for somebody else because I really haven't in a long time.  I used to be so good at doing nice/random things for people...lately, not so much.  WILLPOWER.

Tomorrow instead of sitting on my butt wishing I looked the way I did in 2006 I am going to get up and do something about it.  WILLPOWER!

Tomorrow I am not going to think about what may or may not happen in the coming months.  I will live in the moment and enjoy my day for what it is, and WHERE it is.  WILLPOWER!

"I'll give you a four leaf clover, take all the worry out of your mind.  I HAVE THE ONLY KEY TO YOUR HEART.  I CAN STOP YOU FROM FALLING APART. RELEASE YOURSELF FROM MISERY. Only one things gonna set you free.  That's my love. Let my love open the door to your heart."



I am right there with you! Let me know how it goes love, in fact, I am going to try and find you to skype while I am home sick! YOU CAN DO IT!

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