Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm a teacher...part2

As spring is coming upon us soon, I have taken to checking all of the school district websites in Northwest Indiana.  You know, just to see what (if any) positions have opened up.  I have even made a point of looking at the state education website because they list all open positions in the state.  It was there that I saw an open social studies position for the School City of Whiting.

Whiting is what I like to think of the forgotten town of Northwest Indiana.  It is a small little town in the midst of bigger cities like Hammond, and Gary.  It is nestled right up against Lake Michigan and the Illinois border.  Like I said, it is a town not a city.  The school district consists of one elementary, one middle, and one high school.  And they need a social studies teacher.

For sure it is not ideal. It is at least a 45 minute drive from where my parents live.  It is in Lake County, which is a bit of an armpit. 

But no matter what, you would think I would be excited by this prospect.  Yet I am more terrified by it.  It opens up this whole big thing of what it?  What if I apply and don't get it?  I'd be devastated.  What if I take that job and a better one opens up?  I'd be devastated. 

Those scenarios freak me out.  Then there is the whole I have to update my resume and actually apply for the job.  Do I put that I live in Canada?  Or do I put my parents address?  Do I even tell them in my letter of introduction that I live in Canada and have been out of education for the past year?  Will the whole Canada factor hurt my chances??

I don't know what to do.  I am freaking out, and nervous, unsure of myself and my capabilities, doubting weather I am good enough.  Sure could use some bucking up.



that is wonderful and definitely an answer prayer. you've wanted this for a year and now here it is. i know its scary with all the "what ifs" but you'll never know till you try. what if you apply and get it? its at least worth a shot

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